Bellman Visit - the Alerting Pager System that Keeps on Giving

Bellman Visit - the Alerting Pager System that Keeps on Giving

Bellman, Bellman, Bellman - or Bellman & Symfon, to give them their proper full name! Where do you start when describing probably the 'Best in Class' Alerting System? logo
Designed in Sweden and supplied in the UK by Connevans, the Bellman Visit range, gives you peace of mind, I guess that's all you can ask for really.

Photo by Georgy Rudakov / Unsplash
Your home is the centre of your life. It’s where you sleep, it’s where your family lives, and it’s where you feel safe. The Bellman Visit Alerting Pager system is designed to watch out for your home so you can focus on yourself and your loved ones. Like I say it gives you peace of mind.
Small house on an autumn’s day
Photo by Scott Webb / Unsplash
In a nutshell, each system starts with two parts - a transmitter and a receiver, it gives simplicity as well, then you can add more of each as you need to.
Transmitters are the 'Alerting' part of the system, they can be for the Doorbell, Telephone, Mobile, your precious Baby, Smoke or Carbon Monoxide, even someone walking through a door they all connect to or are included in a transmitter which sends a signal to a receiver.
The receivers can flash, vibrate, sound loudly and can be portable or plugged in - you can walk around the house or be fast asleep in bed and you will see, hear and be alerted to one of the many things which needs your attention in the house.
If you just need a clock to wake you up then Bellman have thought of that too, with a vibrating pad to go under the pillow, but it also acts as a receiver, meaning you can receive sound and vibration alerts at night - it really is the Alerting system that keeps on giving, or some might say - "If Carlsberg did Alerting Pager Systems !"
For more information on the Bellman Visit Pager Alerting system, have a look at the range of Bundles, Transmitters & Receivers on the Connevans web site ...
Oh, one last thing - talking of giving, you don't have to give HMRC 20% VAT either - you can make a VAT declaration and pay 0% VAT - so giving a bit back to you too.

Photo by REX WAY / Unsplash