Sausage Roll Lunch @ Connevans

It doesn't take much to get our staff together for a free lunch - basically all you have to say is 'there's a free lunch today' and everyone is there like a shot :-)

Tony, who came to us for a nice (probably short) part-time semi-retirement job 12 years ago in warehouse packing, is retiring. We are going to miss Tony a lot - his great sense of humour, reliability & attention to detail have been a joy to behold - apart from being a Chelsea supporter he is almost perfect ;-) Just ask him about cricket and you'll be there for hours !! He is learning the guitar and doing very well, but Eric Clapton he aint ever gonna be!

Another reason to have a lunch is that Laura had a baby on Monday - pleased to say that Mum & little (7.7) boy are doing great :-)

And it's Tuesday, so that seemed as good a reason to have lunch as any, coz Tuesday always beats Monday !!

There was salad, from our local greengrocer of course, lovely sausage rolls and for the vegetarians a selection of cheeses - all we need now is a nice afternoon nap, but I don't think that's gonna happen :-)