Purell Hand Hygiene - stock update from the Connevans warehouse
If you're looking to purchase hand hygiene for your organisation, business or home then we now have a generally fair supply of bulk Purell Hand Rub and the dispensers.

If you're looking to purchase hand hygiene for your organisation, business or home then we now have a generally fair supply of bulk Purell Hand Rub and the dispensers. That means we can fulfill any backorders as well as potential new orders that come in.
The Purell Hand Hygiene bottles however, are not in great supply at the momemt - this is because they are of course in great demand and ironically the bottles themselves actually come from China, so you can fully understand why there is such a delay, with it being Chinese New Year not to mention the Coronavirus outbreak.
If you have any questions about ordering hand hygiene from our website please do not hesitate to contact us directly: info@connevans.com