Why is a Hearing Aid Like Your Car?

When was the last time you had your car serviced or cleaned?

Photo by Adrian Dascal / Unsplash
Do you change the tyres when they wear out? Does it feel like it goes that little bit better when it's clean?

Photo by Andrew Coop / Unsplash
How about the brakes, I guess you have them looked at from time to time? Do you fill it up with petrol (or charge with electricity!)

Photo by Austrian National Library / Unsplash
It's not hard to imagine how a car would become like if you didn't look after it regularly and even spend a little bit of money on it too.

Photo by Matthew T Rader / Unsplash
Well a hearing aid isn't quite as much fun as a soft top classic car, but to the folks who use them, it can be just as important and a hearing aid needs regular looking after too, just like your car.

Photo by Mark Paton / Unsplash
The Tubes can become brittle and hard, wax can accumulate and don't get me started on the effects of moisture or condensation :-( Batteries need replacing regularly, just like filling up the tank, but cheaper.

Photo by Christopher Windus / Unsplash
At Connevans we have pretty much everthing to keep your hearing aid in tip top condition, from new Tubes & Domes, to Drying Boxes for overnight care.

Cleaning Kits with a nice little instruction booklet to all sorts of Hearing Aid batteries (Mercury Free of course!).

So in the same way as you look after your car, remember to give your hearing aids some TLC too and they will give you long service in return.

Photo by Liz Fitch / Unsplash