Stand Up Desks and Super Wide Screens @ Connevans
A few years ago, some of our staff looked into stand up desks, so Connevans invested in one and the rest, as they say, is history!!

A few years ago, some of our staff looked into stand up desks, so Connevans invested in one and the rest, as they say, is history!! 25% of our office staff now have stand up desks and the others can have them whenever/if they would like them.
Users started off standing up half of the day and sitting down the other half, the VariDesks we use are very easy to move up and down. Quite quickly though, everyone simply left their desks up and use them standing all the time. Everyone is very positive about the effects, 'more energy, better posture, relief from back issues' and a great talking point!! Everything about the stand up desks has been a really positive experience.
We've now moved on to 'super screens' - we all used to have 2 screens on our desks, now better still we have moved our office staff on to curved Super Ultra-Wide HDR 49 inch screens and we love them!! Better still, everyone reports that they find multi-screen use on these wide screens to be quicker and more efficient. We are really pleased to see that everyone in the Connevans office is very happy to be using super screens :-) (Visitors seem rather impressed when they see them too!!)
Here's a photo of Kim's desk - Kim is our website admin and works from home over in Kent!